Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Pen, The Snake, And The Ducks

Hello everybody. Friday we started making a pen for the chicks, even though they are going to free range we still wanted something to keep them in when we are gone so they can still go outside when they want to. So we dug some holes and used some of our own logs for the posts. Then Saturday we put the wire and some spare shade cloth on it so there is a covering on top of it.

And voila there it is. We are letting the chicks out now and they like to forage and look for bugs. When they first came out they were a little skittish…. okay they were very skittish but the Buff Orpingtons or Buffingtons as dad calls them were the bravest. And one of the male “Buffingtons” that we call Freebie (because the hatchery gave him to us for free) was the bravest of the Buffs and was always out there. But today (Tuesday) when I went out there this morning and opened the door almost all of them came running out. Monday mom found a snake in the future garden area and we decided to feed it to the chickens.

I did not see it today so they must have eaten it. We ordered ten ducks for Anna’s birthday. They are supposed to come tomorrow (Wednesday) or Thursday so Anna and I are going to put together the box tonight and hopefully they will come tomorrow morning :D.


  1. Hey Little kid and the rest of the Lookwoods ;),
    Great pictures, I love the chicken house thing (I forgot what you call it). I did not know that there was any such thing as a snake that small. Sh! Don't tell my mom or she won't ever go to your house. ;) Anyway, we'll miss you guys tomorrow and look forward to seeing you next week. Have fun Thomas and Mrs. Lookwood. :D

    In Christ

  2. What kind of snake was that? OK, I don't really want to know. Shiver!!! Those chickens have really grown fast.
