Thursday, November 12, 2009


After countless hours of building, and years of collecting sets and parts I have finally gotten something back.
The datacard
The contest was to create a new vehicle set in the HALO universe.
Proof it fits a minifig (a requirement for the contest), the nose is similar to one of my previous projects.
I hadn't built much leading up to the contest and was experiencing symptoms of what we call "builders block." However after seeing the prize for first place I found it much easier to build-incentive is a powerful thing.
The bottom of the craft, with the missile bay closed
Third place received some very well made decals, and some custom made weapons from brickarms (THE place to go for accurate lego weapons).
The bay doors open and the missiles rotate inside the missile bay
Second place got the same decals already applied on a minifig, and some more brickarms.
3-point thrust vectoring allows maneuvering in space
And first place received the same customized minifig as second place, even more brickarms, and finally the new HALO videogame.
Suffice it to say I did some extensive research, before I started building (I like to keep it as real as possible) and eventually settled on building a jet for reasons explained in the backstory farther down. I got some excellent input from many people and finally ended up with the winning entry out of 48 other vehicles.
After hearing the many reports of pelicans crashing and getting shot down, the UNSC employed a new fighter to fulfill the role of escort.
This fighter was cheaper and smaller than the Longsword fighter bomber, and took some of the work load off the over-worked Longswords and allowed them to focus more on bombing.
A thrust vectoring engine provides the Wasp with excellent maneuverability in vacuum as well as atmosphere.
Designed and armed to be an escort, the Wasp is also capable of performing quick attacks on enemy targets, unleashing salvos of missiles and machine gun fire.
